• My blog CRUSH

    My Blog Crush In my previous post I touched on how I entered the blogging world, very uncoordinated and not as eloquently as most. But I kept at it and I love what I do, when I find the time to do it and once I’ve done it I can sit back and catch up on all my favourites out there. So join me and share in my blog crush this week and if there’s someone that you think I SHOULD be following then let me know! Parenting and Lifestyle Caffeine and Fairydust Pregnant in Cape Town Scary Mommy The Blessed Barreness 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House…

  • How to : Start a blog

    So you’ve started a blog, now what… I unlike most of my fellow bloggers fell into blogging, I am not a writer, I’m not in PR, I have absolutely no background or experience but I’m a Wife and Mom and have done a pretty decent job of keeping all my boys alive and healthy so far (touch wood, rub a rabbits tail, 2 hail Mary’s and a good luck dance). I have always enjoyed reading (and journaling), but I’m more of a real life book kind of girl, autobiographies and so on and one day I stumbled onto a Cape Town bloggers site and I was hooked. It was real…

  • School

    Back to school, back to life

    This year started off with a bang and firsts for our boys. Josh started at a new branch of his school with a new teacher and survived. He’s still a bit apprehensive and nervous around his new teacher as its only day 3. But there’s only been a handful of tears. And then my precious Danny. Oh my heart, my first born, the day he was born I was reborn. Danny started Grade 1 today and flip it was hard for me but I know if i had a meltdown he would’ve been emotional and I didn’t want that on his first day. So without getting overly emotional here’s my…

  • The Kids Style File

    Hello 2016! During 2015 I had the absolute pleasure of meeting some AMAZING woman, one of which just happened to be one of my favourite Mom bloggers, Mandy from Pregnant in Cape Town and since meeting her I’m pleased to say our friendship has just blossomed. Its not very often I meet someone who I just connect with, someone who understands the challenges Parenting poses like I do and is 100% real. A like minded working Momma who like me is obsessed with our kiddie. Well if you don’t know who she is then shame on you, she’s amazing. When she is not blogging she is also writing editing and…

  • TAG : 50 Things that make me happy because I love it / them

    It’s not every day that we can stop and take a moment to reflect on things that make us happy and that is exactly why I wanted to do this. I’ve been feeling a bit glum lately and needed to cheer myself up. It’s amazing how sitting and thinking of the things that make me happy immediately changed my mood. I have so many things to be grateful for and SOOOOOO many reasons to be happy. Here’s just a few… 1.     My Husband, Carl and I met in 2000 and since day 1 we clicked. He is my best friend, has a heart of pure gold and a great Dad…

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