• Home Office Inspiration

    TweetLiving in a rental can sometimes be challenging. Your space is not always “your own” meaning painting, drilling, renovation work is not always possible. To me, this has been frustrating. I swear these landlords do the minimum to these units purposefully. Our current challenges are: Lack of packing space, most definitely in our kitchen as well as the kids rooms. Dull white walls Not the most glamorous kitchen counter tops Since launching Love Made Me I’ve definitely found the need to have official office space / work space. At present I do design work either in my bedroom or my make shift office in our garage. This has worked until…

  • Currently

    Tweet Hey hey, it’s my very first currently post! Not that I have much going on currently but I’m still excited to do this. Following my blogcation recently I have bounced back rather slowly. I had these wonderful plans of pumping out a post at least weekly but the reality is that most times I don’t have much to say, or maybe it’s that I don’t quite know how to put it in a post. So instead of doing anything, I sit and read other bloggers posts. Some give me the vooma I need to write something and others just make me sit and think. So in saying that I…

  • well i am

    TweetWith well i am’s fourth challenge just around the corner, I couldn’t be more excited  to share with you their new family sign up option. Healthy habits start at home Parents are 100% accountable for their children’s health – and it needs improving. With children’s obesity stats steadily on the incline, your highest priority is to embrace healthy living as a family: –          Children need to learn and practice healthy habits at home. –          Their home environment should provide healthy constants. –          They should be surrounded by family and peers who are also acknowledging and prioritizing health. A brand new family focus The family sign up earns contestants the regular…

  • DIY: Part 1 – Joshuah's Room

    TweetSo since we moved into our home last September the boys have been sharing a bedroom which has been ok till now. The problem comes in where Josh still wakes 2 – 3 times a night and with all the crying he disturbs little Dannys night. A while ago Carl and I discussed moving Danny to our 3rd bedroom which was meant to be a guest bedroom but has really been used as a laundry room. This past weekend we tackled the move and since then we’ve been doing small things to make the boys rooms feel more like them. We started with Joshys room as it was easier to…

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